Customer Monitoring


What's Happening?

Hands typing on a keyboard with a shield and lock image overlay

Learn About Cyber Security

Saturday, April 5, 11:00 am

Join us for an informative and engaging Cyber Security Learning Event hosted by the expert, Kim Smith. This event is for all levels of experience in this field.
Dungeons & Dragons dice and character sheet

School of Adventure

Dungeons & Dragons Basics

Saturday, April 5, 1:00-4:00 pm – learn the rules of D&D and participate in an epic adventure. This event is free for teens and adults.

WARM Staff Picks


Book Groups

Novel Conversations and It’s a Mystery! book groups meet monthly..…LEARN MORE


Join us in the Community Café for one of our community meetups.  Refreshments provided.……LEARN MORE

English Language Classes

Free Beginning English Language Classes for adults occur regularly in-person and on Zoom.……LEARN MORE

Movie Nights

Free movies are shown monthly in Schwab Auditorium……LEARN MORE


What Should I Read Next?

Stumped on what to read next? Let us help! Find book lists, NoveList read alikes, and request a personalized reading recommendation in What to Read Next!