Customer Monitoring


Coralville Public Library custom t-shirt designs: read in multiple languages: Just can't hide that Coralville Public Library pride with rainbow book; We have Novel Conversations at the Coralville Public Library; I heart Coralville Public Library (logo). Both short and long sleeve t-shirts available.

About the Foundation

The Coralville Public Library Foundation is a nonprofit organization founded in 1998. The Foundation’s mission is to cultivate community engagement and support, and generate resources to enhance the collections, services, and facilities of the Coralville Public Library.

Planned Giving

Please contact Alison Ames Galstad, Coralville Public Library Director at 319.248.1850 or via email at: or the Coralville Public Library Foundation at if you are interested in making a monetary donation to the library. Planned gifts can also be in the form of a bequest, a gift of life insurance, stocks, or annuities.


The Coralville Public Library Foundation has partnered with Raygun to provide custom Coralville Public Library t-shirts.  All proceeds from the store go to the Coralville Public Library Foundation to enhance the collections, services and facilities of the Coralville Public Library. 

Board of Directors


F.X. Cretzmeyer


Keith Jones

Diana K. Lundell

At Large

Natalie Van Waning

Heather Woody

Jerad Ruth

Denise Rehmke

Library Director

Alison Ames Galstad


E-mail the Coralville Public Library Foundation at