Customer Monitoring

Book Bike

Book Bike logo

The Coralville Public Library Book Bike takes the library out into the community from May – October!

The Book Bike will help expand the reach of the Library to surprising and unconventional locations, meet new patrons where they live and play, and provide vibrant library service.

When you spot the Book Bike out in Coralville stop by to check out books, sign up for a library card, and learn more about library services and programs! 

Eric riding Book Bike

Book Bike Schedule

Book Bike: Brown Deer Place

Brown Deer Place 1500 1st Avenue North, Coralville, United States

Visit the Book Bike at Brown Deer Place on the 1st Tuesday of the month. The Coralville Public Library Book Bike takes the library out into the community from May […]


Book Bike: Brown Deer Place

Brown Deer Place 1500 1st Avenue North, Coralville, United States

Visit the Book Bike at Brown Deer Place on the 1st Tuesday of the month. The Coralville Public Library Book Bike takes the library out into the community from May […]


Thank You to the Friends of the Library and the Library Foundation who have generously supported this effort.