Customer Monitoring

a Web Zine by Coralville Teens


In gardens where the morning light shines,
There blooms a flower, so bright, bold and sweet.

With soft petals, like satin under feet.

Tulips stand tall, enjoying sunny days.

In dawn’s glow, their colors start to blaze.

From deep red hues to yellow, it’s so neat.

Each bloom is a sight that can’t be beat,
A sign that spring has come in all its ways.

Oh tulips. with your beauty so divine…
In fields, you sway, so full of cheer and grace.

You tell us that warm days are truly here.

Your presence in the garden is a sign,
In every shade, a whisper to the sky,
A little nod from nature passing by.


I really love tulips and since there were tulips festivals around the country during April through May I decided to write this poem. I also read it to my peers in Eng 10H class when we had a poetry Cafe!