During the month of January, the Coralville Public Library is challenging the community to go on a Blind Date with a Cookbook. Pick up your Blind Date (a brown paper covered cookbook for you to keep) at the Library and pick a recipe to make. Submit a video of the challenge for a change to win a $100 Hy-Vee gift card. There will be a winner in each category: children, teen & adult.

Video Details
- Introduce your blind date cookbook and tell us which recipe you chose to make.
- Tell us about and/or show the cooking/baking of the recipe.
- Minimum video length is 30 seconds, maximum video length is 5 minutes.
- Be creative and challenge yourself to try something new!

Contest Details
- Video submissions must be emailed to coralpublibrary@gmail.com by January 31. Contact the Reference Desk—reference@coralville.org or 319-248-1850—if you need help submitting your video.
- The contest form, found below, must be filled out and submitted by January 31.
- One video submission per person.
- The contest winner will be announced in February. Library staff will choose three finalists for each category. There will be a public vote on the Library’s website and social media to determine the winners.
- Submitted videos will be viewable on the Library website and on the Library’s social media.
- Do I have to make a video to participate in the challenge?
No, everyone is welcome and encouraged to take a Blind Date Cookbook and participate in the challenge – make a recipe from a surprise cook book. To be eligible for the the contest prize you need to make a video. - Do I have to follow the recipe exactly?
No, you are welcome and encouraged to modify the recipe to meet your dietary needs and preferences. - How are the winners chosen?
The top three videos for each category, chosen by library staff, will be put up for an online vote the second week in February to determine the winners. - Is there a prize for the winners?
Winners in each category – children, teen & adult – will receive a $100 Hy-Vee gift card.