- 2.01 Library Hours
- 2.02 Borrowing Privileges
- 2.03 Fines
- 2.03.1 Loan Periods, Reserves, Renewals, and Limits
- 2.04 Lost and Damaged Materials Policy
- 2.05 Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Policy
- 2.06 Bulletin Board and Pamphlet Rack Policy
- 2.07 Community Display Policy
- 2.07.1 Waiver of Responsibility: Displays
- 2.08 Test Proctoring Policy
- 2.08.01 Request for CPL Test Proctoring
- 2.09 Programming Policy
Administration and Governance
1.01 Coralville Public Library Mission Statement
The Coralville Public Library is a community center serving a diverse population as a resource for leisure, knowledge and learning. Library programs and services are provided equitably in an atmosphere that is friendly, responsive, comfortable, and accessible. The Coralville Public Library champions every person’s right to information and resources.
Adopted April 3, 1996
1.02 Library Goals
- Staff: The Coralville Public Library is staffed by educated, dedicated and responsive individuals.
- Collections: The Coralville Public Library provides collections that are responsive to the varied needs of the community.
- Technology: The Coralville Public Library acknowledges technology as an underlying consideration for the overall growth in services and programs.
- Library Services: The Coralville Public Library creates and cooperates in providing a wide variety of quality services to the community.
- Public Relations/Marketing: The Coralville Public Library promotes its programs and services in accordance with an established marketing plan.
- Funding: The Coralville Public Library pursues ample funding from public and private sources to provide quality library service.
- Governance: The Coralville Public Library is governed by a citizen board of informed, interested and dedicated individuals.
- Physical Plant: The Coralville Public Library facility enables the delivery of quality library programs and services.
1.03 Iowa Code 392.5 Library Board
A city library board of trustees functioning on the effective date of the city code shall continue to function in the same manner until altered or discontinued as provided in this section.
In order for the board to function in the same manner, the council shall retain all applicable ordinances, and shall adopt as ordinances all applicable state statutes repealed by 64GA, chapter 1088.
A library board many accept and control the expenditure of all gifts, devises, and bequests to the library.
A proposal to alter the composition, manner of selection, or charge of a library board, or to replace it with an alternate form of administrative agency, is subject to the approval of the voters of the city.
The proposal may be submitted to the voters at any city election by the council on its own motion. Upon receipt of a valid petition as defined in section 362.4, requesting that a proposal be submitted to the voters, the council shall submit the proposal at the next regular city election. A proposal submitted to the voters must describe with reasonable detail the action proposed.
If a majority of those voting approves the proposal, the city may proceed as proposed.
If a majority of those voting does not approve the proposal, the same or a similar proposal may not be submitted to the voters of the city for at least four years from the date of the election at which the proposal was defeated.
1.04 City of Coralville Library Ordinance
City of Coralville Library Ordinance
Chapter 22
Library Board of Trustees
22.01 Public Library | 22.07 Nonresident Use |
22.02 Library Trustees | 22.08 Expenditures |
22.03 Qualifications of the Board | 22.09 Annual Report |
22.04 Organization of the Board | 22.10 Injury to Books or Property |
22.05 Powers and Duties | 22.11 Theft |
22.06 Contracting with Other Libraries | 22.12 Notice Posted |
The public library for the City is known as the Coralville Public Library. It is referred to in this chapter as the Library.
The Board of Trustees of the Library, hereinafter referred to as the Board, consists of seven (7) resident members. All members are to be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the Council.
All members of the Board shall be bona fide citizens and residents of the City, except that one member of the Board may reside in unincorporated Johnson County. Members shall be over the age of eighteen (18) years old.
(Ord. 2019-1015 – Jun. 20 Supp.)
The organization of the Board shall be as follows:
- Term of Office. All appointments to the Board shall be for six (6) years, except to fill vacancies. Each term shall commence on January 1. Appointments shall be made every two (2) years of one-third (1/3) the total number or as near as possible, to stagger the terms.
- Vacancies. The position of any Trustee shall be vacated if such member moves permanently from the City and shall be deemed vacated if such member is absent from six (6) consecutive regular meetings of the Board, except in the case of sickness or temporary absence from the City, or if such member is removed for cause by the Mayor with the approval of the Council. Vacancies in the Board shall be filled in the same manner as an original appointment except that the new Trustee shall fill out the unexpired term for which the appointment is made.
- Compensation. Trustees shall receive no compensation for their services.
The Board shall have and exercise the following powers and duties:
- Officers. To meet and elect from its members a President, a Secretary, and such other officers as it deems necessary.
- Physical Plant. To have charge, control and supervision of the Library, its appurtenances, fixtures and rooms containing the same.
- Charge of Affairs. To direct and control all affairs of the Library. All action by the Board shall require a majority vote of the whole number of members of the Board. The removal of the Library Director, however, shall require a two-thirds vote of the Board.
- Hiring of Personnel. To employ a Library Director, and authorize the Library Director to employ such assistants and employees as may be necessary for the proper management of the Library, and fix their compensation; provided, however, that prior to such employment, the compensation of the Library Director, assistants and employees shall have been fixed and approved by a majority of the members of the Board voting in favor thereof.
- Removal of Personnel. To remove the Library Director, by a two-thirds vote of the Board, and provide procedures for the removal of the assistants or employees for misdemeanor, incompetence or inattention to duty, subject however, to the provisions of Chapter 35C of the Code of Iowa.
- Purchases. To select, or authorize the Library Director to select, and make purchases of books, pamphlets, magazines, periodicals, papers, maps, journals, other Library materials, furniture, fixtures, stationery and supplies for the Library within budgetary limits set by the Board.
- Use by Nonresidents. To authorize the use of the Library by nonresidents and to fix charges therefor unless a contract for free service exists.
- Rules and Regulations. To make and adopt, amend, modify or repeal rules and regulations, not inconsistent with this Code of Ordinances and the law, for the care, use, government and management of the Library and the business of the Board, fixing and enforcing penalties for violations.
- Expenditures. To have exclusive control of the expenditure of all funds allocated for Library purposes by the Council, and of all moneys available by gift or otherwise for the erection of Library buildings, and of all other moneys belonging to the Library including fines and rentals collected under the rules of the Board. All gifts, donations, devises and bequests that may be made to the City for the purpose of establishing, increasing or improving the library shall be administered by the Board, subject to Council approval on amounts in excess of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00).
- Gifts. To accept gifts of real property, personal property, or mixed property, and devises and bequests, including trust funds; to take the title to said property in the name of the Library; to execute deeds and bills of sale for the conveyance of said property; and to expend the funds received by them from such gifts, for the improvement of the Library.
- Enforce the Performance of Conditions on Gifts. To enforce the performance of conditions on gifts, donations, devises and bequests accepted by the City by action against the Council.
(Code of Iowa, Ch. 661) - Record of Proceedings. To keep a record of its proceedings.
- Financial Estimate. To make and send to the Council, on or before the fifteenth day of November in each year, an estimate of the amount necessary for the improvement, operation and maintenance of the library for the coming fiscal year, the amounts expended for like purposes for the two (2) preceding years, and the amount of income expected for the next fiscal year from sources other than taxation.
The Board has power to contract with other libraries in accordance with the following:
- Contracting. The Board may contract with any other boards of trustees of free public libraries, with any other city, school corporation, private or semiprivate organization, institution of higher learning, township, or County, or with the trustees of any County library district for the use of the Library by their respective residents.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 392.5 & Ch. 28E) - Termination. Such a contract may be terminated at any time by mutual consent of the contracting parties. It also may be terminated by a majority vote of the electors represented by either of the contracting parties. Such a termination proposition shall be submitted to the electors by the governing body of a contracting party on a written petition of not less than five percent (5%) in number of the electors who voted for governor in the territory of the contracting party at the last general election. The petition must be presented to the governing body not less than forty (40) days before the election. The proposition may be submitted at any election provided by law that is held in the territory of the party seeking to terminate the contract.
The Board may authorize the use of the Library by persons not residents of the City or County in any one or more of the following ways:
- Lending. By lending the books or other materials of the Library to nonresidents on the same terms and conditions as to residents of the City, or County, or upon payment of a special nonresident Library fee.
- Depository. By establishing depositories of Library books or other materials to be loaned to nonresidents.
- Bookmobiles. By establishing bookmobiles or a traveling library so that books or other Library materials may be loaned to nonresidents.
- Branch Library. By establishing branch libraries for lending books or other Library materials to nonresidents.
All money appropriated by the Council for the operation and maintenance of the Library shall be set aside in an account for the Library. Expenditures shall be paid for only on orders of the Board, signed by its President and Secretary.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 384.20 & 392.5)
The Board shall make a report to the Council immediately after the close of the fiscal year. This report shall contain statements as to the condition of the Library, the number of books added, the number circulated, the amount of fines collected, and the amount of money expended in the maintenance of the Library during the year, together with such further information as may be required by the Council.
It is unlawful for a person willfully, maliciously or wantonly to tear, deface, mutilate, injure or destroy, in whole or in part, any newspaper, periodical, book, map, pamphlet, chart, picture or other property belonging to the Library or reading room.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 716.1)
22.11 THEFT.
No person shall take possession or control of property of the Library with the intent to deprive the Library thereof.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 714.1)
There shall be posted in clear public view within the Library notices informing the public of the following:
- Failure To Return. Failure to return Library materials for two (2) months or more after the date the person agreed to return the Library materials, or failure to return Library equipment for one (1) month or more after the date the person agreed to return the Library equipment, is evidence of intent to deprive the owner, provided a reasonable attempt, including the mailing by restricted certified mail of notice that such material or equipment is overdue and criminal actions will be taken, has been made to reclaim the materials or equipment.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 714.5) - Detention and Search. Persons concealing Library materials may be detained and searched pursuant to law.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 808.12)
1.05 Library By-Laws
I. Library Board
A. According to the requirements of Chapter 22, Code of Ordinances, City of Coralville, the Library Board of the Coralville Public Library shall consist of seven members to be appointed from time to time by the Mayor, with approval of the City Council.
B. The general powers and duties of the Coralville Library Board are outlined in Chapter 392.5 of the Code of Iowa.
C. The Board shall exercise its powers and duties by:
- Employing a competent and qualified Library Director,
- Cooperating with the Library Director in determining and adopting written policies to govern the operation and program of the Library, including personnel policies and operational policies,
- Reporting to and cooperating with other public officials, boards and the community as a whole to support a public relations program for the Library,
- Assisting in the preparation of and seeking adequate support for the annual budget, and
- Developing long range goals for the library and working toward their achievement.
II. Officers
A. The officers of the Board shall consist of a President, Vice President and a Secretary. Officers shall be elected at the first meeting of the calendar year and hold office until their successors are elected and installed. Their terms shall be for one year. Officers may succeed themselves in office, provided that none serves more than three consecutive terms in the same office.
B. The duties of all officers shall be such as by custom and law and the rules of this Board usually devolve upon such officers in accordance with their titles.
III. Meetings
A. Regular meetings shall be held monthly, date and hour to be determined by the Board, in the Library or such other place as the Board may determine.
B. Special meetings may be held at any time at the call of any member of the Board, provided that notice thereof be given to all Trustees at least 24 hours in advance of the special meeting and is duly posted.
C. A quorum at any meeting shall consist of four or more members.
D. An agenda for Board meetings shall be prepared by the Library Director in cooperation with the President of the Board.
E. All meetings of the Board are open to the public. Non-Board members who wish to address the Board should request a place on the agenda not later than 24 hours before the time established for the meeting. The request may be directed to the President, the Secretary, or the Library Director.
IV. Committees
A. The Board may appoint such special committees as may be needed from time to time.
V. The Library Director
A. The Library Director shall execute the policies adopted by the Board. Among his/her duties and responsibilities shall include:
- Oversight of the facility, operations, and staff.
- Informing the Board continually and completely regarding the finances, public services, physical plant, personnel, collection, and other developments, changes and problems of the Library.
- Attend meetings of the Board except those at which his/her tenure or salary is to be discussed or decided.
VI. Amendments to By-Laws
A. Amendments to these By-Laws may be adopted at any regular meeting of the Library Board, provided that notice of proposed amendments be given to all members in advance of the meeting.
James M. Smith, President
Board of Trustees, Coralville Public Library
Revised: May 6, 1992
Revised: February 7, 1996
Reviewed: February 2006
Reviewed: May 2009
Reviewed: April 2013
Revised: December 2016
Reviewed: March 2020
1.06 Personnel Policies
All employees of the Coralville Public Library are administrative employees of the City of Coralville, and must adhere to the rules, regulations and policies outlined in the City of Coralville Personnel Manual. Every employee will have access to a Manual during employment at the Library.
The City of Coralville Personnel Manual includes, but is not limited to, the following topics:
- Equal Employment Opportunity, employment at will, recruitment and appointment procedures;
- Employee performance, probation, salary schedule, termination procedures;
- Work schedule, overtime, holidays and vacation;
- Leaves of absence, including sick leave, injury on the job, funeral leave, jury duty, military leave, and the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993;
- Insurance, including hospital and medical, life, and disability; light duty;
- Residency requirements, off-duty employment, drug-free workplace, employee assistance program, educational incentive pay, safety.
The Manual empowers the individual City departments to establish rules and regulations for the efficient operation of the department. The following employment conditions apply to the Coralville Public Library:
Hours of Operation
The Library is open to the public a set number of hours per week, many of which are evening and weekend hours. Full-time employees work forty hours per week, generally eight hours per day and five days each week. All regular staff members may be required to work evenings, as well as some Saturday and Sunday hours. Such work is considered part of the regular work schedule and no night- or weekend-differential pay is authorized.
Adopted: August 1996
Reviewed: January 2000
Reviewed: May 2009
Revised: February 2013
Reviewed: April 2019
Reviewed: February 2023
1.07 T. Patricia Dee Volunteer Service Award
The T. Patricia Dee Volunteer Service Award is awarded to honor an individual or group that has volunteered a significant amount or time and effort on behalf of the Coralville Public Library. The award recognizes the long volunteer service of Pat Dee, who served on the Coralville Public Library Board of Trustees from the inception of the library in 1965 through the end of her sixth term in December, 1996.
The following guidelines apply to the award:
Sponsor of Award: The Board of trustees of the Coralville Public Library will name the recipient of the award. The President of the Board of Trustees may appoint a committee to review nominations and to select a candidate for a vote by the full Board of Trustees.
Frequency of Award: The award may be issued annually, and is announced at the April meeting of the Board of Trustees.
Nominations: Coralville Public Library staff, Friends, or trustees may nominate recipients for the award.
- Nominations must be submitted to the President of the Board of Trustees by March 1st.
- Nominations should be in the form of a letter describing the nominee’s service, and must be signed by the nominator.
- The nominee may be a regular library volunteer, trustee, or other individual or group that makes a worthy contribution of time and effort on behalf of the library.
- Individuals and groups may be nominated, and may receive the award, more than once.
Recognition: The name of the recipient of the award will be placed on T. Patricia Dee Volunteer Service Award plaque.
Adopted: January 1996
Reviewed: January 2000
Updated: February 2009
Reviewed: April 2013
Reviewed: April 2019
1.08 Exclusionary Zone Policy
In accordance with Chapter 692A of Subtitle 1 of Title 16 of the Code of Iowa, the Board of Trustees prohibits the presence of sex offenders (defined as persons who are required to be registered in the Iowa Sex Offender Registry) convicted of sex offenses against minors upon library property without written permission of the Library Director. These individuals are also prohibited from loitering within 300 feet of library property.
Requests for permission to be on library property will be considered by the Library Director. If permission is denied, the individual may appeal the decision to the Library Board of Trustees.
Individuals who are barred from library property under this law remain entitled to library service. It is the responsibility of the individual requesting service to arrange for a courier to select, check out, and return materials to the library. Persons barred from library property under the law are not eligible to be served by the library’s homebound delivery service.
Violations of this policy will be immediately reported to law enforcement.
Adopted: July 2009
Reviewed: June 2015
Reviewed: June 2019
Revised: January 2021
Access and Services
2.01 Library Hours
The library is open daily, for a total of 54 open hours per week.
Open hours are:
Monday – Thursday | 10:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. |
Friday | 10:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. |
Saturday | 10:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m. |
Sunday | 12:00 noon – 4:00 p.m. |
During open hours, all library services are offered to patrons.
The library is closed to reflect the following holidays observed by the City of Coralville: New Year’s Day, President’s Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Veteran’s Day, Thanksgiving Day and the day after Thanksgiving, the afternoon preceding Christmas, Christmas Day, the afternoon preceding New Year’s Day. Exact dates and hours of closings will be publicized in advance of holiday closings.
Emergency Closings
The library may be closed in emergency situations when it is unsafe for patrons and staff to travel to or occupy the library. The Library Director, with assistance from City of Coralville staff and/or Library Trustees, will decide when to close the library in emergency situations. When possible, the library staff will publicize the unscheduled closing.
Other Closings
Occasionally the Library may be closed or close early for an all-staff training or special library event. Such closures are subject to approval by the Library Director or Board of Trustees.
Adopted: April 1987
Reviewed: July 1989
Reviewed: November 1993
Revised: May 1996
Reviewed: January 2000
Reviewed: January 2006
Revised: May 2009
Reviewed: June 2016
Revised June 2023
2.02 Borrowing Privileges
The Coralville Public Library offers free library cards with full privileges to all the library’s resources to residents of Coralville, rural Johnson County, and cities that contract directly with the Library as well as to patrons who reside elsewhere but own property in Coralville.
The Library also offers free library cards to patrons of other libraries in Iowa that participate in the statewide Open Access program for reciprocal borrowing. Some library materials and services may not be available to nonresidents.
Individuals applying for library cards must appear in person and show photo identification and proof of current address. A parent’s identification is sufficient for a child under 14. Address must show house number and street name; post office box numbers are not acceptable. Individuals who are not able to provide identification and proof of address due to homelessness, being in transitional housing, or other circumstances may be able to acquire a temporary borrower’s card, which offers abridged use of library resources.
Borrowers are expected to comply with Coralville Public Library policies, to pay promptly all fines charged against them for overdue materials and for lost or damaged items, and to give notice of change of address or lost or stolen cards.
There is no minimum age required to obtain a Coralville Public Library card, but parent or guardian permission is required for children under age 14. The parent or guardian of children who have library cards is responsible for the return of materials borrowed by the children, as well as for any subsequent charges of overdue, lost or damaged materials.
The Coralville Public Library may grant borrowing privileges to other groups not specified here, and privileges may vary.
Adopted: April 1989
Revised: April 1992
Revised: September 1995
Revised: January 2000
Revised: June 12, 2002
Revised: January 2006
Reviewed: May 2009
Revised: August 2012
Revised: June 2015
Revised: May 2019
Revised: May 2022
2.03 Fines
No fines on overdue materials will be charged, except on select collections.
When a cardholder’s unpaid fines or other charges exceed $5.00, his or her borrowing privileges are withdrawn until charges are paid to below $5.00.
Revised: May 1989
Revised: March 1991
Revised: August 1991
Revised: September 1992
Revised: July 1993
Revised: June 1994
Revised: September 1995
Revised: September 1997
Revised: April 1999
Revised: June 2001
Revised: June 2002
Revised: January 2004
Revised: May 2009
Revised: Oct. 2012
Reviewed: December 2015
Revised: February 2018
Revised: October 2021
2.03.1 Loan Periods, Reserves, Renewals, and Limits
Most items may be renewed two times if no one has placed a hold on the item.
There is a limit of 100 TOTAL physical materials per card.
Holds may be placed on all circulating materials, but no more than 5 holds may be placed per card on physical materials at a time. Up to ten holds per card may be placed on ematerials in Overdrive.
Patron accounts owing over $5.00 will have circulation privileges suspended, unless arrangements for a payment plan are in place.
Materials will check out according to staff-determined loan periods (see “Loan Period addendum to the policy), which will vary according to material type and collection availability.
REVISED October 2021
2.04 Lost and Damaged Materials Policy
Lost Materials:
The Library charges the acquisition cost for items that have been lost by patrons. If no acquisition cost can be determined, a default replacement cost will be determined by library staff.
Patrons are notified when materials are 7 days overdue and again when they are 14 days overdue. When an item is 28 days overdue, it is considered lost and the patron account is billed for the replacement cost. There will be a grace period during which the items may be returned and the bill will be waived (generally two months).
Damaged Materials:
If damaged materials can be repaired in the Library, there may be no charge. When an individual part of a set cannot be replaced, the replacement cost for the whole set will be charged to the patron. For items beyond repair, the full acquisition price is charged.
Patron accounts owing over $5.00 will have circulation privileges suspended, unless arrangements for a payment plan are in place.
Adopted: April 1989
Revised: August 1991
Revised: November 1994
Revised: January 2000
Reviewed: June 12, 2002
Reviewed: May 2009
Revised: October 2012
Revised: October 2021
2.05 Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Policy
- A patron must be a resident of Coralville, rural Johnson County, or a contracting city to be eligible for ILL service. Patrons from towns with libraries (Open Access patrons) must use their home library for interlibrary loans.
- The Coralville Public Library does not charge patrons to use the ILL service. If the loaning library charges the Coralville Public Library to send out the material, that charge will be passed on to the patron. The patron will be notified of the charge before the material is borrowed.
- Interlibrary loan materials are circulated according to the loan parameters of the lending library. The Coralville Public Library may receive permission from the loaning library to extend a due date. This will be determined on a case-by-case basis by the ILL Clerk.
- A patron may have only three active ILL requests at one time.
Books published within the last year are not eligible for interlibrary loan. Those books will be considered for purchase by the library’s selectors.
Interlibrary loan privileges may be suspended if:
- a patron habitually requests titles and does not pick them up;
- materials are misused
- materials are returned late, or
- the patron’s account is not in good standing.
Adopted: August 5, 1998
Revised: January 2006
Reviewed: May 2009
Revised: January 2019
2.06 Bulletin Board and Pamphlet Rack Policy
The purposes of the library’s bulletin boards and pamphlet racks are:
- To call attention to local activities, events and official notices; and
- To dispense free information about local activities and nonprofit organizations.
The library may accept material from any nonprofit organization, including churches, schools (preschool through university), and city and county governments.
The library will not accept lost-and-found notices, notices for free items (kittens, puppies, etc.), or personal advertising (products, apartments for rent, etc.). The library will not accept containers for collections.
Information to be posted or stocked in pamphlet racks must be suitable for general public viewing by all age groups. The library reserves the right to refuse notices or pamphlets if the content is lacking in current interest or informative value, or otherwise fails to meet the guidelines in this policy.
Posting or stocking items does not imply library endorsement of content, nor will the library accept responsibility for the accuracy of statements made in such materials.
Items for the bulletin boards or pamphlet racks should be submitted to library staff. Items will be added and withdrawn as space allows, with consideration given to the timing of events and the length of time that items have been displayed.
Adopted: September 1985
Reviewed: July 1989
Revised: December 1992
Revised: May 1996
Reviewed: January 2000
Revised: May 2004
Reviewed: May 2009
Reviewed: April 2012
2.07 Community Display Policy
The Library, as an educational and cultural institution, will display and exhibit information of interest and enlightenment to the library community to further the following purposes:
- To increase awareness of the Library’s resources, including but not limited to library collections, services, and events.
- To fulfill the library’s mission to provide educational and cultural enrichment and to promote intellectual freedom and life-long learning.
- To highlight the non-profit organizations, agencies, and individuals engaged in intellectual, charitable, civic, cultural, educational, or recreational activities in Johnson County. The space may not be used for exhibits that are commercial in nature, promote a specific religious concept, espouse partisan politics or demean groups or individuals.
In accordance with this purpose:
- The Library does not accept responsibility for ensuring that all points of view are represented in displays, or for the accuracy of information in displays.
- The Library reserves the right to refuse displays that do not further the purpose of the Community Display Policy.
- The Library may designate spaces for particular types of display to make the best use of display units and/or to make displays accessible to the intended audience.
- The group or individual preparing the display must be identified as part of the display.
- Groups or individuals should reserve display space by contacting the library at least a week in advance. Community displays may not be scheduled more than one year in advance. In order to encourage diversity of displays, individuals or groups may be limited to one display per year.
- Groups or individuals exhibiting a display will be responsible for all setup and teardown of the display. Display materials must be removed by the designated date. The Library reserves the right to fine groups or individuals who do not do so.
- Items on display are not covered by the Library’s insurance policy. No items shall be placed on display until a Waiver of Responsibility form has been signed by the owner(s) of all items to be displayed.
- Prices may not be listed for any items that are on display.
- Prior to installation of a display, the responsible individual will receive the Guidelines for Community Displays and sign the Waiver of Responsibility: Displays.
Adopted: December 1980
Reviewed: June 1987
Reviewed: July 1989
Revised: December 1992
Revised: December 1993
Revised: May 1996
Reviewed: January 2000 (Library Bill of Rights Appended)
Reviewed: May 2004
Revised: January 2009
Reviewed: April 2012
Revised: June 2016
2.07.1 Waiver of Responsibility: Displays
2.08 Test Proctoring Policy
The Coralville Public Library offers test proctoring when adequate personnel, facilities, and technology are available. Library staff may refuse to proctor an exam deemed too burdensome or exacting in its demands. Study rooms may be reserved for up to four hours for proctoring tests.
At least 24 hours prior to the exam, the student shall complete CPL’s test proctoring request form. If using one of the library’s laptops for the exam, it is the responsibility of the student to ensure compatibility. Once the request has been approved by library staff, the student will receive confirmation. The student will arrange for any needed exam materials or passwords to be sent to the Library.
At the time of the exam, the student shall:
- provide a valid driver’s license or photo ID for verification of identity if required by the institution
- arrive prepared with the necessary or required supplies to take the exam
- be responsible for all costs incurred related to the examination (including costs for postage or photocopying).
Exams must be completed at least 30 minutes prior to Library closing time.
Exams will be proctored only during regular hours of library operation.
At the time of the exam, library staff will, as requested:
- provide a private space for the student to take the test
- verify the student’s identification, if needed
- provide scratch paper
- provide a laptop if it was requested
The Library is in no way responsible for a student’s performance on a test, even if conditions are not optimal for test-taking. The Library is not responsible for technical problems.
Adopted: April 2012
Revised: May 2015
Revised: February 2025
2.08.01 Request for CPL Test Proctoring
2.09 Programming Policy
Programming is an integral part of the Coralville Public Library’s mission of providing access to a variety of resources that contribute to life-long learning, leisure, knowledge, and/or participation in the community and civic life. Programming will foster a connection to the library, a sense of community, and/or promote awareness of library services and resources as well as those in the greater community. Programs shall be provided equitably in an atmosphere that is friendly, responsive, comfortable, and accessible.
Principles for selection and presentation of programs
Library staff rely on the following criteria to evaluate, develop, plan and deliver programs:
- Alignment with the library’s current vision, mission, and current strategic goals
- Community needs and interests as well as current events
- Qualifications of presenters
- Significance of or perceived interest in topic or presenter
- Relationship to the library collection and services
- Cost
- Technical and physical capabilities of the library spaces
- Availability and/or accessibility elsewhere in the community
Co-sponsored programs
Library staff will consider co-sponsoring a program with an organization as a way to highlight community groups and members whose expertise goes beyond that of library staff. Co-sponsoring a program implies that the library and the other organization will work together to plan, implement, and advertise the program. Library staff will be present for co-sponsored programs, or will have a signed agreement with a responsible party to be there.
Presentation of a program does not constitute the Library’s endorsement of the content or views expressed by presenters, nor does it imply endorsement of any particular business or organization. Programs are designed to be informational, not commercial in nature. However, local businesses may be highlighted.
Library staff may travel to locations outside the library with the following goals for this outreach:
- Extension of library services and programs to those who are underserved and/or who have limited access to the library
- Participation in community events
- Raising public awareness of the library and its resources and encourage Library use
Staff who plan programs and outreach will strive to reach and serve both current library users and underserved portions of the community by:
- Seeking content created by and representative of marginalized and underrepresented groups
- Evaluating how programs are marketed and presented, taking languages, cultures, and differing abilities into consideration
Library programs are open to the public, and participants should expect that photographs/video will be taken at events and may be used in Library media. Attendance at programs may be limited due to space limitations or the nature of the program.
Approved: March 2024
Patron Rights and Responsibilities
3.01 Library Bill of Rights
The American Library Association affirms that all libraries are forums for information and ideas, and that the following basic policies should guide their services.
I. Books and other library resources should be provided for the interest, information, and enlightenment of all people of the community the library serves. Materials should not be excluded because of the origin, background, or views of those contributing to their creation.
II. Libraries should provide materials and information presenting all points of view on current and historical issues. Materials should not be proscribed or removed because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval.
III. Libraries should challenge censorship in the fulfillment of their responsibility to provide information and enlightenment.
IV. Libraries should cooperate with all persons and groups concerned with resisting abridgment of free expression and free access to ideas.
V. A person’s right to use a library should not be denied or abridged because of origin, age, background, or views.
VI. Libraries which make exhibit spaces and meeting rooms available to the public they serve should make such facilities available on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use.
VII. All people, regardless of origin, age, background, or views, possess a right to privacy and confidentiality in their library use. Libraries should advocate for, educate about, and protect people’s privacy, safeguarding all library use data, including personally identifiable information.
Adopted June 19, 1939, by the ALA Council; amended October 14, 1944; June 18, 1948; February 2, 1961; June 27, 1967; January 23, 1980; January 29, 2019.
3.02 Patron Conduct Policy
To ensure that all patrons of the Library can use the Library to the maximum extent possible during regularly scheduled business hours, the following Patron conduct in the Coralville Public Library is prohibited if it:
- threatens the peaceful and secure environment of the Library; or
- interferes with the rights of individuals to use Library materials and services; or,
- interferes with the health and safety of individuals in the Library, or
- interferes with the ability of the Library staff to conduct Library business
Prohibited conduct may include, but is not limited to, the following:
- Willfully annoying, harassing or threatening another person.
- Behaving in a disorderly, loud or boisterous manner.
- Impeding access to the building or an area of the building.
- Trespassing or entering Library property when banned.
- Bringing animals into the Library, except as required as service or therapy animals, or for Library-sponsored programming.
- Campaigning, petitioning, interviewing, survey taking, soliciting, or selling, unless authorized by the Director or his/her designee.
- Picture taking or video taping of people, except at events, unless authorized by the people involved or their parents, if minors are present.
- Listening to radios or other equipment playing recorded material without use of earphones. This may include disruptive use of cellular phones or audio devices, or conversations which are disruptive to others.
- Leaving animals, bicycles or personal items in the Library on Library property in a way that disrupts normal Library business.
- Intentionally leaving personal items in the building overnight. The Library assumes no responsibility for any belongings left unattended.
- Smoking in the Library, on Library grounds, and in the parking facility. No alcoholic beverages are allowed on the premises without prior Library Board approval.
- Entering non-public areas, unless accompanied by a staff member or through prior authorization from a staff member.
- Using the parking lots as a play or social area, improper parking, or other activities not in accordance with the city ordinance.
Enforcement of these rules for persons aged seven and over may take the form of any of the following actions, depending upon the severity of the misconduct which will be determined by the staff on duty at the time. Patrons under age seven who are not with an adult are covered under the Unattended Child Policy.
- In cases of minor disruption, the patron receives one warning. At the second offense or continuation of the first offense, the patron must leave the Library for the rest of the day.
- In the case of any misconduct that, in the judgment of a staff member, is extreme, the offender may be ordered to leave the building immediately, or the police may be called as appropriate. Whenever possible, but not required, two staff members, including the highest-ranking staff member present, should agree that the conduct merits the drastic action of expulsion or police notification without warning.
- Patrons causing disruption on repeated visits will be warned by the Director or designee that they will not be allowed to enter the building if the behavior continues. If a correction is not made, they will be barred from the Library for one month. If, when their library privileges are reinstated, the disturbance continues, they will be barred from the Library for one year.
- Exceptions to the above may be authorized by the Library Director and/or his or her designee.
- All incidents in which patron conduct receives a warning or expulsion by a staff member or police will be recorded by Library Staff.
For related policies regarding patron conduct, see also the Unattended Child and/or Disruptive Child Policy.
Adopted: April 1993
Reviewed: April 1996
Reviewed: January 2000
Revised: August 2004
Revised: February 2009
Reviewed: May 2009
Revised: April 2016
Revised: November 2019
Revised: August 2020
3.03 Unattended Child and/or Disruptive Child Policy
In order to ensure the safety of children and a comfortable atmosphere for all our patrons: 1) Parents may not leave children under 7 unattended in the Library. 2) Disruptive children age 7 and older will be directed to leave after one warning.
Children Left Unattended
If a child is lost or left unattended, a staff member will try to identify and locate the parent or responsible adult.
- A staff member will walk around the Library with the child looking for the parent.
- When the parent is found the staff member will explain the policy.
- If the parent is not found, a staff member will stay with the child until the parent can be located through patron cards, the phone book, etc.
- If the parents have not been located within one half hour, or if the Library is closing, a staff member will turn the child over to the police.
Disruptive Behavior
Children Under Age 7
- A staff member will ask the young person to stop the disruptive behavior.
- If the disruptive behavior continues a staff member will inform the parent or responsible adult.
- In the event that the parents are unable or refuse to control the child, the parent or responsible adult will be directed to remove the child from the premises.
- If the parent/responsible adult refuses to remove the child from the premises, then the parent/responsible adult will be asked to leave the library.
- If the parent/responsible adult refuses to leave the library, the police will be called.
Children Age 7 and Over
- A staff member will ask the young person to stop the disruptive behavior, and warn him/her that the next time he/she may be directed to leave.
- If the young person does not comply with instructions from the staff, the staff may call the parent or the police for assistance.
Adopted: March 1992
Revised: April 1993
Reviewed: April 1996
Reviewed: January 2000
Revised: August 2004
Revised: February 2009
Reviewed: May 2009
3.04 Patron Privacy & Confidentiality
The Coralville Public Library Board of Trustees recognizes that the privacy of patron records and identifying information is crucial for intellectual freedom and directly relates to the ability of citizens to use the library freely. Protecting the confidentiality of any information that links a patron with use of or interest in library resources is paramount to the rights of library users. Such informationshall not be made available to anyone including state, federal, or local government except pursuant to federal, state or local law relating to civil, criminal, or administrative investigatory power.
The Library Board will resist the issuance or enforcement of any such process, order or subpoena until such time as a proper showing of good cause has been made in a court of competent jurisdiction. Circulation records can be opened only by their lawful custodian.
The Library avoids creating or retaining unnecessary records, only retaining what is needed for library business. In addition to guarding records linking a patron to use of library materials, protecting a patron’s right to privacy may take the following specific forms:
- An item on hold will only be given to the cardholder unless a waiver has been signed to allow pickup by a designee or a designee has the card in possession.
- Use of the database of cardholders and identifying information will not be open to public examination. Use of the cardholder database will be limited to Coralville Public Library staff and Foundation and limited to activities designed to enhance or improve the Library or inform users about library services.
- Security cameras are installed in the Library to protect the safety and security of staff, patrons, the library, and its contents. Records are stored locally and deleted after a reasonable amount of time. Only authorized library staff and administration may view recordings, and only upon report of suspicious behavior, including policy violations, possible criminal activity, destruction or theft of library property, or any behavior which disrupts the safe atmosphere of the Library. Law enforcement may view recorded images unless such images include records protected by Iowa Code 22.7(13), in which case such records would be released only pursuant to a valid court order.
- The Library makes every reasonable attempt to protect digital privacy of patrons, but cannot guarantee confidentiality of information sought or received, or material consulted or borrowed from third-party digital services to which we provide access.
- People attending library programs or public meetings may be recorded or photographed at these events. These images may be used for library promotion including print, the Library’s website, or social media. Those wishing to not be recorded should let library staff know, and every effort will be made to avoid taking or retaining recognizable images of these individuals.
Adopted: July 1984
Reviewed: September 1987
Reviewed: July 1989
Reviewed: June 1992
Revised: July 1996
Reviewed: January 2000
Reviewed: January 2006
Reviewed: May 2009
Reviewed: June 2016
Revised: November 2018
Library Materials
4.01 Freedom to Read Statement
The freedom to read is essential to our democracy. It is continuously under attack. Private groups and public authorities in various parts of the country are working to remove or limit access to reading materials, to censor content in schools, to label “controversial” views, to distribute lists of “objectionable” books or authors, and to purge libraries. These actions apparently rise from a view that our national tradition of free expression is no longer valid; that censorship and suppression are needed to counter threats to safety or national security, as well as to avoid the subversion of politics and the corruption of morals. We, as individuals devoted to reading and as librarians and publishers responsible for disseminating ideas, wish to assert the public interest in the preservation of the freedom to read.
Most attempts at suppression rest on a denial of the fundamental premise of democracy: that the ordinary individual, by exercising critical judgment, will select the good and reject the bad. We trust Americans to recognize propaganda and misinformation, and to make their own decisions about what they read and believe. We do not believe they are prepared to sacrifice their heritage of a free press in order to be “protected” against what others think may be bad for them. We believe they still favor free enterprise in ideas and expression.
These efforts at suppression are related to a larger pattern of pressures being brought against education, the press, art and images, films, broadcast media, and the Internet. The problem is not only one of actual censorship. The shadow of fear cast by these pressures leads, we suspect, to an even larger voluntary curtailment of expression by those who seek to avoid controversy or unwelcome scrutiny by government officials.
Such pressure toward conformity is perhaps natural to a time of accelerated change. And yet suppression is never more dangerous than in such a time of social tension. Freedom has given the United States the elasticity to endure strain. Freedom keeps open the path of novel and creative solutions, and enables change to come by choice. Every silencing of a heresy, every enforcement of an orthodoxy, diminishes the toughness and resilience of our society and leaves it the less able to deal with controversy and difference.
Now as always in our history, reading is among our greatest freedoms. The freedom to read and write is almost the only means for making generally available ideas or manners of expression that can initially command only a small audience. The written word is the natural medium for the new idea and the untried voice from which come the original contributions to social growth. It is essential to the extended discussion that serious thought requires, and to the accumulation of knowledge and ideas into organized collections.
We believe that free communication is essential to the preservation of a free society and a creative culture. We believe that these pressures toward conformity present the danger of limiting the range and variety of inquiry and expression on which our democracy and our culture depend. We believe that every American community must jealously guard the freedom to publish and to circulate, in order to preserve its own freedom to read. We believe that publishers and librarians have a profound responsibility to give validity to that freedom to read by making it possible for the readers to choose freely from a variety of offerings.
The freedom to read is guaranteed by the Constitution. Those with faith in free people will stand firm on these constitutional guarantees of essential rights and will exercise the responsibilities that accompany these rights.
We therefore affirm these propositions:
- It is in the public interest for publishers and librarians to make available the widest diversity of views and expressions, including those that are unorthodox, unpopular, or considered dangerous by the majority.
Creative thought is by definition new, and what is new is different. The bearer of every new thought is a rebel until that idea is refined and tested. Totalitarian systems attempt to maintain themselves in power by the ruthless suppression of any concept that challenges the established orthodoxy. The power of a democratic system to adapt to change is vastly strengthened by the freedom of its citizens to choose widely from among conflicting opinions offered freely to them. To stifle every nonconformist idea at birth would mark the end of the democratic process. Furthermore, only through the constant activity of weighing and selecting can the democratic mind attain the strength demanded by times like these. We need to know not only what we believe but why we believe it. - Publishers, librarians, and booksellers do not need to endorse every idea or presentation they make available. It would conflict with the public interest for them to establish their own political, moral, or aesthetic views as a standard for determining what should be published or circulated.
Publishers and librarians serve the educational process by helping to make available knowledge and ideas required for the growth of the mind and the increase of learning. They do not foster education by imposing as mentors the patterns of their own thought. The people should have the freedom to read and consider a broader range of ideas than those that may be held by any single librarian or publisher or government or church. It is wrong that what one can read should be confined to what another thinks proper. - It is contrary to the public interest for publishers or librarians to bar access to writings on the basis of the personal history or political affiliations of the author.
No art or literature can flourish if it is to be measured by the political views or private lives of its creators. No society of free people can flourish that draws up lists of writers to whom it will not listen, whatever they may have to say. - There is no place in our society for efforts to coerce the taste of others, to confine adults to the reading matter deemed suitable for adolescents, or to inhibit the efforts of writers to achieve artistic expression.
To some, much of modern expression is shocking. But is not much of life itself shocking? We cut off literature at the source if we prevent writers from dealing with the stuff of life. Parents and teachers have a responsibility to prepare the young to meet the diversity of experiences in life to which they will be exposed, as they have a responsibility to help them learn to think critically for themselves. These are affirmative responsibilities, not to be discharged simply by preventing them from reading works for which they are not yet prepared. In these matters values differ, and values cannot be legislated; nor can machinery be devised that will suit the demands of one group without limiting the freedom of others. - It is not in the public interest to force a reader to accept the prejudgment of a label characterizing any expression or its author as subversive or dangerous.
The ideal of labeling presupposes the existence of individuals or groups with wisdom to determine by authority what is good or bad for others. It presupposes that individuals must be directed in making up their minds about the ideas they examine. But Americans do not need others to do their thinking for them. - It is the responsibility of publishers and librarians, as guardians of the people’s freedom to read, to contest encroachments upon that freedom by individuals or groups seeking to impose their own standards or tastes upon the community at large; and by the government whenever it seeks to reduce or deny public access to public information.
It is inevitable in the give and take of the democratic process that the political, the moral, or the aesthetic concepts of an individual or group will occasionally collide with those of another individual or group. In a free society individuals are free to determine for themselves what they wish to read, and each group is free to determine what it will recommend to its freely associated members. But no group has the right to take the law into its own hands, and to impose its own concept of politics or morality upon other members of a democratic society. Freedom is no freedom if it is accorded only to the accepted and the inoffensive. Further, democratic societies are more safe, free, and creative when the free flow of public information is not restricted by governmental prerogative or self-censorship. - It is the responsibility of publishers and librarians to give full meaning to the freedom to read by providing books that enrich the quality and diversity of thought and expression. By the exercise of this affirmative responsibility, they can demonstrate that the answer to a “bad” book is a good one, the answer to a “bad” idea is a good one.
The freedom to read is of little consequence when the reader cannot obtain matter fit for that reader’s purpose. What is needed is not only the absence of restraint, but the positive provision of opportunity for the people to read the best that has been thought and said. Books are the major channel by which the intellectual inheritance is handed down, and the principal means of its testing and growth. The defense of the freedom to read requires of all publishers and librarians the utmost of their faculties, and deserves of all Americans the fullest of their support.
We state these propositions neither lightly nor as easy generalizations. We here stake out a lofty claim for the value of the written word. We do so because we believe that it is possessed of enormous variety and usefulness, worthy of cherishing and keeping free. We realize that the application of these propositions may mean the dissemination of ideas and manners of expression that are repugnant to many persons. We do not state these propositions in the comfortable belief that what people read is unimportant. We believe rather that what people read is deeply important; that ideas can be dangerous; but that the suppression of ideas is fatal to a democratic society. Freedom itself is a dangerous way of life, but it is ours.
This statement was originally issued in May of 1953 by the Westchester Conference of the American Library Association and the American Book Publishers Council, which in 1970 consolidated with the American Educational Publishers Institute to become the Association of American Publishers.
Adopted June 25, 1953, by the ALA Council and the AAP Freedom to Read Committee; amended January 28, 1972; January 16, 1991; July 12, 2000; June 30, 2004.
A Joint Statement by:
American Library Association
Association of American Publishers
Subsequently endorsed by:
American Booksellers for Free Expression
The Association of American University Presses
The Children’s Book Council
Freedom to Read Foundation
National Association of College Stores
National Coalition Against Censorship
National Council of Teachers of English
The Thomas Jefferson Center for the Protection of Free Expression
4.02 Collection Development and Materials Selection Policy
A primary goal of the Coralville Public Library is to provide collections that are responsive to the varied needs of the community. Generally, collections are broad, current, and popular, and are not archival or comprehensive. The Library strives to offer the widest possible range of subjects and views in a variety of formats, treatments, and levels of difficulty, within the limits of cost and space and considering current holdings and demand. Including materials in the collection does not constitute endorsement of their contents.
Responsibility for Selection
The Board of Trustees has ultimate responsibility for selection of materials for the library. The Board delegates responsibility for selection to the Library Director, and other selectors as designated by the Director, who operate within the framework of policies and job descriptions determined by the Library Board of Trustees. Recommendations from the community are welcomed and given serious consideration.
The basic principles set forth in the American Library Association’s publications, the Freedom to Read Statement, the Freedom to View Statement, and the Library Bill of Rights, shall be maintained. Textbooks are usually not acquired, except in subject areas where material in another form is not readily available. Multiple copies of certain items may be purchased based on demand.
Principles for Selection
Collection development librarians rely on the following criteria to evaluate materials for selection, regardless of intended audience or format:
- The Library’s Mission Statement and chosen roles of service.
- Contemporary significance or long-term value.
- Accuracy of information presented.
- Significance of author, illustrator, publisher or issuing body.
- Relationship of work to existing collection. Specifically, diverse points of view should be represented within the collection
- Cost to acquire and/or maintain the material.
- Technical characteristics of the format such as binding and paper quality, accessibility and usability, and suitability of the format for library use.
- Scarcity of information in the subject area.
- Availability of material elsewhere in the community.
- Popular demand.
- Reviews found in professional, literary, specialized and general periodicals.
Selectors will strive for a well-balanced, diverse collection, which requires:
- Considering resources from self-published, independent, small, and local producers;
- Seeking content created by and representative of marginalized and underrepresented groups;
- Evaluating how diverse collection resources are cataloged, labeled, and displayed;
- Including content in all languages used in the community, when possible; and
- Providing resources in multiple formats, including formats that meet the needs of users with disabilities.
The Library collects a variety of materials in current and emerging formats as demand, budget, and availability allow.
The Library designates materials as Children’s, Young Adult, and Adult; individual readers, however, should be the judge of the appropriateness and appeal of any item for their particular needs.
Concerns About the Collection
The Library welcomes comments and criticisms of its collections. However, no citizen in a democracy has a right to prevent another from reading a specific book by demanding its removal from the Library’s shelves, and there should be no book that is absolutely inappropriate for a public library. This Board declares, as a matter of firm principle, that no challenged library material shall be removed from this Library under any putative legal or extra-legal pressure, save after an independent determination by a judicial officer in a court of competent jurisdiction and only after an adversary hearing, in accordance with well-established principles of law
Responsibility for a child’s choice of materials rests with the parents or legal guardians. Selection of materials is not restricted by the possibility that children may obtain materials that others consider inappropriate. (See also the Library’s “Complaints About Library Resources” policy).
Maintaining the Collection
In order to maintain the collection in its most useful and attractive condition, the selectors will use their own judgment in removing materials which are no longer useful, or are in a condition not suitable for circulation. Weeding is a thorough and conscientious effort to achieve a well-balanced collection suitable to the community served and should be a continuous, consistent process. Items to consider in weeding are:
- material in poor condition,
- material with low circulation not considered to be of lasting value,
- inaccurate or outdated material,
- material on subject matter no longer of current interest, and
- multiple copies of titles no longer in demand.
Items withdrawn will be disposed of as seen fit.
Adopted: August 3, 1977 // Reviewed in 1982 // Revised: August 1986 // Revised: July 1989 //Revised: May 1992 // Revised: August 1996 // Revised: January 2000 // Revised: July 2000 //Revised: January 2006 // Revised: May 2009 //Revised: July 2012 & December 2012 // Revised: March 2016 // Reviewed: December 2019 // Revised: March 2022
4.03 Complaints about Library Resources
Concerns or complaints about library resources should be directed to the Library Director. If the concern is not resolved through discussion with the Director, the complainant will be offered a Statement of Concern about Library Resources form. Upon receipt of the completed Statement of Concern, the following procedures will be followed.
1. The Library Director and appropriate library staff will reconsider the material, program, or resource identified in the Statement of Concern. They will evaluate the reasons for selecting the resource, consult professional reviews when available, and review the information provided by the complainant along with relevant library policies.
2. The Library Director will decide whether to retain or withdraw the questioned resource and communicate in writing that decision to the complainant. The Library Director’s response will include the procedure for appealing his or her decision.
3. If the complainant believes the Director’s response is inadequate, a written appeal may be made to the Board of Trustees. The appeal will be considered at an open meeting of the Board of Trustees, with comment welcomed from the complainant and other interested citizens. No decision on the appeal will be made at that board meeting.
4. The Board’s decision to retain or withdraw the questioned resource will be made at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Trustees. Their decision will be communicated in writing to the complainant.
The Coralville Public Library adheres to the principles stated in the Library Bill of Rights and the Freedom to Read statement and has appended these documents to relevant library policies. In considering a complaint, the Library will seek support from other groups who support intellectual freedom, such as the local media, the Iowa Library Association’s Intellectual Freedom Committee, and the American Library Association’s Office of Intellectual Freedom.
Adopted: August 1986
Reviewed: July 1989
Reviewed: May 1992
Revised: August 1996
Reviewed: January 2000
Reviewed: May 2009
Reviewed: August 2012
Revised: February 2020
4.03.1 Statement of Concern about Library Resources
4.05 Gifts
The Coralville Public Library welcomes gifts of library materials, money or real property. These gifts help enrich and improve public library resources.
1. Monetary contributions are added to the Library’s Gift Fund, which is allocated by the Library Board for purchase of materials or programs outside the scope of the operating budget.
2. Gifts of money or library materials may be donated in memory or honor of a friend or relative, and are marked with a special bookplate. A Memorial and Honor Program form should be completed. The Library will assist in selection of appropriate titles for such a gift.
3. Used book donations are accepted by the Friends of the Coralville Public Library. Library staff can provide guidelines for interested donors of what materials are accepted.
4. The Library applies the same criteria for evaluating or choosing gift items as it applies to purchased material. Gifts will be withdrawn in the same manner as purchased material. The Library will not be responsible for notifying donors of withdrawal or replacement of gift items.
5. All gifts are tax deductible. A receipt for donation of materials will be provided upon request. The Library does not place a financial value on materials received. For artwork, rarities or other materials of value a gift donation form may be requested and kept on file.
6. No gifts are accepted unless given to the Library without restriction. All gifts may be utilized, sold or disposed of in the best interest of the Library. The Library reserves the right to refuse donations.
7. Monetary gifts are also accepted through the Coralville Public Library Foundation, the Coralville Public Library Golden Endowment Fund, and the Friends of the Coralville Public Library. For more information, see Appendix 4.05.01.
Adopted: November 1982
Reviewed: November 1987
Reviewed: July 1989
Revised: May 1992
Reviewed: July 1996
Reviewed: January 2000
Revised: August 2004
Reviewed: May 2009
Revised: December 2012
Reviewed: March 2019
Computers, Audiovisual, and Technology
5.01 Internet Use Policy
Nature of the Internet The Internet is a global electronic network of information. The Internet and its resources may contain information that is inaccurate, controversial, or offensive. The Coralville Public Library has no control over, and assumes no responsibility for, the content of the Internet. The Library provides Internet access as another resource for information and entertainment.
Access to the Internet The Coralville Public Library does not prevent access to any resources freely available on the Internet. Parents or guardians, not the Library or its staff, are responsible for the information selected and/or accessed by their children. The Library will not be responsible for enforcing any restrictions which a parent or guardian may place on a minor’s use of this resource.
All patrons using the library’s Internet-enabled computers must agree to the Internet User Agreement before use.
The library also provides internet access through an unsecured wireless network. Any information accessed or transmitted has the possibility of being intercepted by others without users’ knowledge. There is also a possibility data stored locally on a user’s device could be accessed by others if not properly secured. The library does not assume any responsibility for the safety of personal devices or the data on it. Virus and security protection is the sole responsibility of the wireless user.
Rules for Internet Access
1. Use of the Library’s wireless network or of a Library computer implies agreement with the Library’s Internet User Agreement on file.
2. Users must comply with all local, state and federal laws while using the Internet. Users found to have violated any laws, including but not limited to those concerning privacy, obscenity, fraud or copyright, while using Library facilities or equipment will have their Internet privileges revoked.
3. The library does not filter Internet content. Staff may, however, ask users to refrain from printing or displaying certain content on screens open to public sight in order to ensure the secure and comfortable environment of the Library.
4. Users must not incur any costs to the Coralville Public Library through access to fee-for-service information providers, online shopping, or any other Internet use.
5. Computer use records are confidential and the library does not retain them. Users should log out at the end of their session to ensure privacy.
Loss of Internet Privileges Use of the Library’s network or computers in an illegal, disruptive, or destructive manner, or failure to abide by Library policies or procedures, may result in the loss of Internet or library privileges.
Related Library Policies See also the Internet User Agreement, Computer Use Policy, Laptop and Table Policy, AV Equipment Use Policy, and the Patron Conduct Policy.
Adopted: November 1997
Revised: October 1999
Revised: January 2000
Revised: June 2002
Revised: January 2006
Revised: March 2007
Revised: June 2009
Revised: April 2013
Revised: July 2017
5.02 Media Equipment Use Policy
The Coralville Public Library provides audiovisual equipment, computers, and other technology for use within the Library.
- Using Library equipment assumes responsibility for loss or damage to the equipment or to personal devices used in conjunction with equipment. Limited instruction in the use of equipment may be available.
- Disruptive behavior or abuse to equipment may result in termination of a patron’s privilege to use library equipment.
- Use of the Internet on any CPL device implies agreement with the CPL Internet Use Agreement.
- The library holds no responsibility for the privacy of data entered onto or saved on devices, or data sent over wireless. The library’s wireless is an open, unsecured network.
- Any data saved on a library device may be erased when the session has expired. The library is not responsible for any information left on a device by the user. Nothing saved or downloaded to library devices will be permanently saved.
- Users agree to abide by library procedures regarding reservations, time limits, and checking out of equipment.
- The library tries to keep equipment in good working order, but is not responsible for loss or corruption of data under any circumstances.
(Computer Use) Adopted: March 1989
Revised: April 1992
Reviewed: July 1996
Reviewed: January 2000
Revised: June 12, 2002
Revised: January 2006
Revised: May 2009
Reviewed: September 2012
Revised: September 2016
Revised: August 2017 (changed to Media Equipment Use)
Revised: February 2024
5.03 Audiovisual Equipment Use
The Coralville Public Library provides certain audiovisual equipment for patrons’ use within the Library.
- The audiovisual equipment may be used on a first-come, first-served basis. Reservations for use will not be allowed. Limited training in the use of equipment is available if needed.
- Staff reserves the right to limit length of use to provide access to equipment for other patrons.
Due to the small amount of space, there is a limit of two persons at each piece of audiovisual equipment. - Patrons may use the audiovisual equipment to play library materials or their own materials. The Library is not responsible for damage to patrons’ materials used in Library equipment.
- The Library staff reserves the right to terminate a person’s use of the audiovisual equipment if problems of excessive noise, physical abuse, or equipment malfunction occur.
The Coralville Public Library provides certain audiovisual equipment for use during meetings held in the meeting rooms.
- Reservations for the audiovisual equipment in the meeting rooms will be taken when the Meeting Room Request form is filled out. Meeting room use equipment may only be used in conjunction with the meeting rooms.
- Limited training in the use of the equipment is available if needed. Arrangements for training or help setting up equipment must be made in advance.
- Groups may use the audiovisual equipment to play library materials or their own materials. The Library is not responsible for damage to materials used in Library equipment. Most audiovisual materials purchased by the library do not have performance rights.
- The Library staff reserves the right to terminate a group’s use of the audiovisual equipment if problems of physical abuse or equipment malfunction occur.
Any damage to or loss of equipment will be assessed on an individual basis by the Library Director or Board of trustees.
Adopted: April 7, 1993
Revised: April 3, 1996
Revised: June 2, 1999
Revised: June 12, 2002
Reviewed: May 2009
Reviewed: September 2012
5.05 Laptop & Tablet Use Policy
The Coralville Public Library has laptops and tablets available for use within the library.
- Coralville Public Library cardholders who have a library card and are in good standing may check out a tablet or laptop for use within the library. By checking out a device, the cardholder is assuming responsibility for lost, stolen, or damaged equipment and understanding the policies for its use.
- Devices checked out within the library are not to be taken outside of the library’s security gates and may be checked out only for the amount of time specified at checkout.
- The library staff reserves the right to terminate a person’s use of the library’s equipment if the patron is known to have caused problems such as disruptive behavior, abuse of equipment, or habitually turning equipment in late. Any damage to library equipment will be assessed on an individual basis by the Library Director or Board of Trustees.
- Devices and any accessories must be returned to a CPL staff member at the public service desk from which they were borrowed at least ½ hour before closing time. Devices left unattended or given to another person to use remain the responsibility of the borrower.
- Overdue fees may be charged for devices not returned directly to library staff at the desk they were checked out from by the specified time. The borrower will be held responsible for all applicable replacement costs and processing fees for the device and /or accessories if lost, stolen or damaged. The library will not accept replacement devices or accessories purchased by the borrower. Failure to pay any amount owed will be considered an outstanding debt to the Coralville Public Library and will be added as a fee to the borrower’s library card. The patron will be barred from borrowing devices until the fee has been paid.
- Any data saved on a library device may be erased when the device has been returned to the public service desk, and the library is not responsible for any information left on a device by the user. Users using their own 3rd party app vendor accounts are responsible for any costs associated with downloading and should not expect anything downloaded to remain on the library device.
- The library holds no responsibility for the privacy of data patrons enter onto devices. The library’s wireless network is open.
- Use of the Internet on a CPL device implies agreement with the CPL Internet Use Agreement, which is available at any desk.
Adopted: November 2013
Revised: September 2016
Internet User Agreement
1. I have read the Coralville Public Library Internet Use Policy and agree to abide by the policy.
2. I understand that the Library is not responsible for the content, accuracy or validity of any information found on the Internet. I understand that some information on the Internet may be controversial or offensive. I agree to take responsibility for my use of the Internet.
3. I understand that the Library’s wireless access is not secure. Any information transmitted has the possibility of being intercepted by others without the user’s knowledge. There is also a possibility that data stored locally on a connected wireless device could be vulnerable. I understand that the Library is not responsible for the safety of my personal device or the data on it.
4. I agree to make only legal use of Library computers and/or Internet access. I recognize that unauthorized reproduction or use of material accessed on the Internet may be a criminal offense under the U.S. Copyright Act.
5. I agree to pay any repair or replacement costs of equipment or software damaged by myself or by minors for whom I am responsible.
6. I understand that the Library is not responsible for any damage to personal devices or equipment.
7. I understand that if I fail to abide by the Coralville Public Library Internet Policy, I will lose my privilege of computer use and Internet access.
Name (Please Print)
Signature Date
Adopted: November 1997
Revised: October 1999
Revised: January 2000
Revised: January 2006
Revised: March 2007
Revised: April 2013
Revised: July 2017
6.01 Meeting Room Use Policy for Non-Library Activities
The Coralville Public Library provides meeting rooms as space where the public can attend informational, educational, cultural events. In the spirit of the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights and upholding intellectual freedom, meeting rooms provide a forum for the free exchange of ideas.
Library programs or library-sponsored events take priority over non-library bookings. When not in use for library-related activities, the rooms are available to other groups under these guidelines:
1. Meeting room facilities are available at no charge to local nonprofit organizations and groups whose headquarters are in or who provide services to the residents of Johnson County. Rooms are not available for personal use.
2. Facilities are open to organizations engaged in educational, cultural, intellectual, or charitable activities. Free cultural or civic events that appeal to a variety of ages are encouraged to use Library meeting rooms and may request exceptions.
3. Selling, fundraising, or making a profit as a direct result of an event are all prohibited except for events that benefit the Library. Charges to recoup for food or material costs may be acceptable if authorized in advance by library administration.
4. Rooms must be reserved in advance, and equipment reservations must be made at least a week in advance.
5. So that rooms are available to diverse groups in the community, they are not meant to be used as a regular meeting place. Reservations are granted only for a single meeting or a brief series of meetings extending for no longer than two weeks.
6. Rooms are available for community use during regular library hours of operation, and may be available before opening for these meetings, depending on staffing and other considerations. Only library events and library-sponsored events may take place later than normal library hours.
7. Refreshments may be served in the meeting rooms. No alcoholic beverages are allowed on the premises without prior approval from the Library Board.
8. Smoking is prohibited in the Library, on Library grounds, and in the parking facility.
9. Groups are expected to set up tables and chairs in the space for their own use and leave the space as they found it. Groups may be charged for damages or if extraordinary clean-up or staff time is necessary after use.
10. Groups who do not show up for a meeting may be charged for Library staff time required.
11. In accordance with the City’s Fire Code, there can be no open flames in city buildings without a permit issued by the Fire Department.
12. Equipment granted for use will be set up by library staff, and limited training is provided in use of the equipment. There may be times when equipment is not available. Meeting room equipment is only intended for use within CPL meeting rooms.
13. Use of Meeting Rooms does not constitute endorsement or approval by the Library or Board of Trustees of content, topics, subject matter, or point of view of groups using the Meeting Rooms.
14. The Library Board of Trustees, employees of the Library or the City of Coralville are not responsible for accidents, injury, or loss of individual property during meeting room use.
15. Specific rules governing the use of meeting rooms will be established and supervised by the Library Director and/or designated staff.
16. The Coralville Library Board of Trustees maintains an agreement with the Coralville Center for Performing Arts which governs use of Meeting Rooms as space for events booked through the CCPA.
Adopted: May 1990
Revised: November 1991
Revised: May 1996
Reviewed: January 2000
Revised: August 2000
Revised: November 2008
Revised: March 2011
Revised: April 2012
Revised: January 2016
Revised: September 2017
Revised: April 2018
Revised: August 2021
Updated: August 2023